The terrible movie ads are very attractive, but the ad for the second one (B) is more horrible than the first one (A) because of the background difference. Each ad shows a topical subject in the background. Ad A shows an ashen-faced woman, and ad B shows a high-speed train. Both of the terrible movie ads are very powerful ads because they appeal to audiences who wonder what happen of the woman and the train. Both of they also use the dark background with some light and bleeding word. The hands also appear in both pictures. Ad B is a simple picture with a crowd of hands in the high-speed train. It conveys a feeling of direct strike. However, ad A is more complicated because it shows two images. One image is the ashen-faced woman; another is the hand in screen. The power of the strike is weaker than Ad B.
Therefore, ad B is more attractive and powerful than ad A even though they both have alike background.